경시대회 정보

Exam Duration:60 minutes
Participation Grades:G1-G6
Exam Format:Online + Onsite
Question Type:Multiple Choice
Exam Dates:2024.10.13-2024.11.03

변경된 점수 분포를 확인하세요

The maximum possible score

Value 3 points questions
Value 5 points questions
Value 7 points questions
Score Distribution

Ages 6-8
Register based on your current school grade
For students in Grade 1-2

Ages 8-10
Register based on your current school grade
For students in Grade 3-4

Ages 10-12
Register based on your current school grade
5-6학년 학생용

All participants will compete with other students of the same grade level within their country. Rankings will be based on scores from highest to lowest, and awards will be distributed according to the percentage of top-ranked students in each country. The top 8% will receive the Gold Award, the next 12% will receive the Silver Award, and the next 30% will receive the Bronze Award. Additionally, there is a Perfect Score Award for those who achieve a perfect score.

All participants will compete with other students of the same grade level within their country. Rankings will be based on scores from highest to lowest, and awards will be distributed according to the percentage of top-ranked students in each country. The top 8% will receive the Gold Award, the next 12% will receive the Silver Award, and the next 30% will receive the Bronze Award. Additionally, there is a Perfect Score Award for those who achieve a perfect score.

All participants will compete with other students of the same grade level within their country. Rankings will be based on scores from highest to lowest, and awards will be distributed according to the percentage of top-ranked students in each country. The top 8% will receive the Gold Award, the next 12% will receive the Silver Award, and the next 30% will receive the Bronze Award. Additionally, there is a Perfect Score Award for those who achieve a perfect score.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who qualifies to take the Think Mathematics Competition?

Every student in elementary grades 1 through 6 qualifies.
누가 싱크 수학 경시대회 문제를 만들고 선택하나요?

The problems are created and selected by a team of experts, including IMO deputy leaders from China, the USA, the UK, France, and other countries, in collaboration with IYMO professional teacher team with 20 years of teaching experience.
싱크 수학 경시대회의 최고점은 몇 점인가요?

100 points.
경시대회 참가비는 얼마인가요?

2024년 Think Mathematics 대회 참가 비용은 2만원이며, 등록은 2024년 10월 10일에 종료됩니다.